Sunday, March 4, 2012

Nikki Hustles

It had been a long day already and she had only been to work for a few minutes. Mr Henry had been kind enough to give her a ride back to the bar to pick up her car. She had to work for it however.

"Thanks for giving me a ride Mr. Henry. Sorry to be bothering you."
"No problem, you can ask me anytime. You should invite me next time you go out for a drink."
"I'll have to do that!" she says as she smiles and touches his leg.
"I haven't seen your old man over in a while."
"You know we're not together any more" she replies as she winces at the memory.
He chuckles, "Just making sure, so who you hanging out with now?"
"Nobody wants me!"
"Well you need to get with the Playa here." Mr Henry leers as he taps her hip lightly with his fist.
"I don't think I can keep up with you Mr. Henry" Nikki laughs.
"I'll go slow darling!"

She's late to work, but lucky for her Ernie is out. She get her first run from Nancy the admin and hits the road. She had three pickup and drops and not much time to get things done. Also her first job is moving some case files needed by a lawyer ASAP. Just what she needed today heavy lifting. Maybe she would need those drugs after all.

Her second job was easy. But her last one almost made her cry. Stairs, two flights of them with no elevator in sight. She couldn't wait to get home. One step at a time she kept saying to herself. Because of the pain she wondered if she should go to emergency care. Finally with that over she headed back to home base. She get back and Ernie is waiting for her and he's upset. She wonders if she's done something wrong, was it because she was late.

"Nikki can you come into my office."
"Yes Ernie, what can I help you with."
"I got a last second job, and you're my only hope."
"No problem Ernie, you can count on me" Nikki replies with a sigh.

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